Kandern-Holzen, Germany
A night of intimate family-community worship in Kandern-Holzen with Visible Music College partners.
A night of intimate family-community worship in Kandern-Holzen with Visible Music College partners.
Matt and Natalie will be partnering with visible Music College on this trip as well and providing career training for young aspiring musicians and those who desire to make a career in music. They’ll be teaching music workshops in a school in Freiburg (Freie Christliche Schule) on July 23 from 8am-12pm.
Matt and Natalie will be running a Visible Music College sponsored Visible Music Weekend Camp this weekend. Hosted by local ministries and targeted to young musicians, producers, and music professionals training them music, bible, and worship leadership.
Register for more Visible Music Camps around the US and other nations: https://vmcimpact.com/visiblemusicweek/
We’ll be joining the MIR Ministry team in Rzhyshchiv, an hour south of Kyiv Ukraine, for their leadership week where they train leaders in their network from different cities and nations in Eastern Europe. We’ll also be doing some worship nights and maybe going into Belarus for a day or two. Details to come.
We’ll be doing a night of extended intimate worship from 7pm-9pm in Nuremberg.
Extended worship and ministry nights. Thursday - Saturday, nightly from 7pm - 9pm. There will be prayers for healing and ministry time throughout. Join us for a powerful encounter of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with prayers and ministry time. # HarpAndBowl
We are looking forward to a time of extended worship and ministry. So many testimonies comes from these nights in Leeds and we’re glad to be a part of it! A night of prophetic encounter with Tomi Arayomi and other leaders in Leeds. In association with Christian International Europe.
Matt and Natalie will be leading worship for MyChurchWindsor in Windsor, UK - right outside London with Tomi Arayomi, a friend a strong prophetic voice out of the UK. #EatSleepProphesyRepeat
Matt leads worship one last time before leaving for the Europe trip. This will be a special commissioning service for them and powerful time of sending them into the nations!